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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is an xRM? and Why is it an xRM?

There used to be a time when the only information organizations ever used to keep was basic data such as names and phone numbers only to be able to contact their clients when required. Rolodex was the rage and then a spreadsheet that kept information in a single place accessed when needed. When someone said Personal Information Manager, it meant something and everybody used to be awestruck.

And then came along contact managers such as Outlook, where more information could be stored about contacts. Even then just the basics, and enough to be able to touch base with a client when necessary. The real power game started when these contact managers started to realign and become a CRM.

CRM is a technology. Most organizations fail to realize this aspect. CRM or Customer Relationship Management software are not simply software but a whole element of technology and process realignment, as well as business redesign. When a pizza place is called for delivery, the customer is greeted by name. Repeat orders are highlighted and the customer can reorder with the representative preempting this option. This is the beauty of a Customer Relationship Management software. Products and services are aligned with the customer, the customer is well known within the organization through the software, and several business processes are impacted.

Then what is xRM? When a CRM platform is so powerful it can integrate seamlessly any part of a business operation and interconnect across departments and processes to create an all knowledgeable software within an organization, it is an xRM. While the CRM is a technology, xRM is a technological phenomenon. It is a powerful way to bring a business on the same technological platform, align all business data together and be able to manage and serve all stakeholders together.

Next up, but why do organizations fail to realize the potential of this technological phenomenon called the xRM?

(Author: NoorJehan Arif is a functional consultant for MS Dynamics CRM and is the founder of the site Disco Dynamics - which is currently a work in progress)


  1. XRM is a beauty! but it sometimes kills the CRM as a solution & u start treating it as a platform to build different solutions. And when you start using it as a platform than you start comparing with other development platform.

  2. I believe that is the entire beauty of an xRM. The ability to target and cater to all the stakeholders :) This does complicate things in the technological context!

  3. yes! when customer requirement can be catered by any package solutions without any customization, than I will always prefer that :)
