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Friday, May 14, 2010

Free Webinar: Avatars Drastically Reduce Call Center Costs

Date & Time: Wednesday, May 19th, 2010  - 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET 

Register Here

An increasing number of Fortune500 companies have started to use Virtual Agents - Avatars to enhance their customer experience and decrease eCommerce drop rates. Ten years ago, virtual web agents were expensive, and only large clients could afford a relatively unsophisticated product with limited functionality. In 2010, they are very affordable – offered now to everyone as both a SaaS model or as licensed software, integrating seamlessly with other self-service tools, and provide powerful technology to solve customer's customer service problem more easily.

Watch Forrester, Comcast and InteliWISE answering key questions:
  • How can these virtual experts immediately answer customer requests on the web, being a first - line of defense for Customer Service, the Help Desk or FAQ?
  • Will they enhance other Service tools, like click-to-chat, call- back, Social Networks?
  • How can this technology be built into any website within days, handling customers requests with a high accuracy of more than 85%, and at an unbelievable price of pennies per customer interaction?
Register Here

Source: CRM Magazine

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