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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mobile banking more popular with younger crowd

Banking on the move is more popular among younger consumers, according to a recent report from the Auriemma Consulting Group.

The firm said incentives were a strong motive for younger people to sign up for mobile banking services, which allow them to keep track of checking and savings accounts on their cell phones. Of respondents to a survey, 40 percent of people 18 to 45 said incentives tipped the scales when it came to picking mobile banking.

"While instant feedback and convenience are the predominant reasons for using this service, incentives are becoming more of a motivator than in the past," says Nancy Stahl, editor of the report.

Overall, mobile banking is still not taking up a large portion of the market.

Thirteen percent of Americans take part in it, though experts expect it to become more popular in the future.

Mobile banking may also be a way to tap into consumers who do not have checking or savings accounts. A recent report from Javelin Strategy and Research showed that many unbanked consumers have access to mobile devices, which could help connect them with the financial community.


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